Libyan Authority for Research, Science and Technology (LA’STAR)
EU project “Spare Parts”
This is an EU-funded project under the name “Chondral and Osseous Tissue Engineering”. The project started 1st February 2001 and lasted for three years. The project was coordinated by Oulu University, Oulu, Finland. N Ashammakhi was the project leader.
For more information go to project website:
EU project “Biocranio”
This is an EU-funded project under the name “Use of bioabsorbable osteofixation devices in treatment of craniofacial syndromes (biocranio).” This project was funded under the FP4 (BMH4-98-3892). It involved Leading craniofacial European centres from Austria, Finland, France, Sweden, the UK, work together in this project. The project started on May 1st, 1998 and lasted for three years. The project was coordinated by Oulu University, Oulu, Finland. N Ashammakhi worked as a researcher in this project and assisted the coordinator of the project, Dr Timo Waris.
For more information go to project website:
EU project “Hyanji scaffold”
EU-funded project Hyanji scaffold project in FP7 IRSES programme (PIRSES-GA-2008-230791). It was coordinated by Keele University. N Ashammakhi was the main co-author when he was working in the Institute for Science and Technology in Medicine, Keele University, UK as Professor (Chair) in Regenerative Medicine. It started in 2009 to last for four years.
For more information, go to project website
Academy of Finland Center of Excellence
TEKES project “Multifunctional Biomaterials (MFM)”
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Graduate School
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Graduate School
Finnish Tissue Engineering Society
Finnish Society for Biomaterials