Training was a an essential priority in LA’STAR. Please refer to updated mission of LASTAR. Mainly we thought of tarinig to be:
- Of short (Days to weeks), medium (Months-up to one year) and long-period nature (Years).
- Of general (e.g. Language, IT skills, etc) and specific (Specific to the post) nature.
- In LA’STAR, in Libya or abroad.
Some of these can be organized by Division of Training. Some need Director General’s decree. Some need Minister of Labor’s decree (Up to one year). Others need Minister of Higher Education Decree [Postgraduate studies which usually extend from 3 years (for MSc) to 5 years (for PhD)].
Annual training plan is usually devised by the Division for Training which is under the Department of Financial and Administrative Affairs. New Head of this division was recruited in 2013.
Decrees for training and postgraduate studies in 2012, 2013 and 2014